Welcome to the official website for the Industry Section of the WWTG - comprised of industry representatives from wine producing countries around the world. Our Vision is for "a successful, competitive and growing global wine industry, characterized by social responsibility, sustainability and focus on consumer interests, operating in a climate free of trade-distorting factors." Please use this website to learn more about WWTG's government/private sector initiatives, industry news and our other efforts promoting free and responsible international trade in wine.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

New WTO Notification: G/SPS/N/SGP/48

Category: Winemaking Practices
Notification Date: 04/17/2013
Final Comment Date: 06/16/2013
Documents Link:

Description of content: The Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) has completed a review of the Food Regulations and proposes the following amendments:
a. To allow the use of the following new food additives:
i. Arabinogalactan (larch gum) as an emulsifier and stabiliser (under the Sixth Schedule).
ii. Alpha-amylase (from Bacillus subtilis) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
iii. Aminopeptidase (from Aspergillus oryzae) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
iv. Cellulase (from Trichoderma longibrachiatum) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
v. Glucoamylase (or amyloglucosidase from Aspergillus niger) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
vi. Glycerophospholipid cholesterol acyltransferase (from a genetically modified strain of Bacillus licheniformis, as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
vii. Hemicellulase (endo-1,4-â-xylanase from a genetically modified strain of Bacillus subtilis) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
viii. Hemicellulase (endo-1,4-â-xylanase from a genetically modified strain of Aspergillus niger) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule).
ix. Hexose oxidase (from a genetically modified strain of Hansenula polymorpha) as a processing aid (under the Eighth Schedule). 

b. Clarification of use categories for the chemical preservative dimethyl dicarbonate: Dimethyl dicarbonate (DMDC) is currently permitted to be added to "non-alcoholic drinks" up to the maximum level of 250ppm (under the Fourth Schedule of the Food Regulations). However, the food category "non-alcoholic drinks" is not well defined, and may overlap with various food categories in the Fourth Schedule such as "soft drinks for consumption without dilution (other than fruit drink or fruit crush)", and "fruit drink and fruit crush". AVA proposes to amend the Regulations to clearly define the food categories which may be added with DMDC and the maximum permitted use levels, as follows: Selected Foods Maximum amount of dimethyl dicarbonate in parts per million (ppm)*

Water-based flavoured drinks, including "sport", "energy", or "electrolyte" drinks and particulated drinks 250
Ready-to-drink coffee, coffee substitutes, tea, herbal infusions, and other hot cereal and grain beverages (excluding cocoa) 250
Cider and perry 250
Grape wines 200
Wines (other than grape) 250
Mead 200 *

Added level; residue of dimethyl dicarbonate not detected in the ready-to-eat food.

c. To specify maximum limits for the following incidental constituents:
i. Aflatoxin B1, up to 0.1 ppb in food for infants and young children.
ii. Aflatoxin M1, up to 0.025 ppb in infant formula (calculated on the reconstituted ready-to-consume product).
iii. Patulin, up to 10 ppb in food (other than processed cereal-based food) for infants and young children.
iv. Melamine, up to 1 ppm in powdered infant formula; up to 0.15 ppm in liquid infant formula (as consumed), up to 2.5 ppm in any other foods.

d. To allow the use of polydextrose in infant formula, up to a maximum permitted level of 0.2 g per 100 ml. 

e. To make editorial amendments to the format for the nutrition information panel (NIP) (under the Twelfth Schedule) Presently, the NIP format under the Twelfth Schedule requires that the units for nutrients (other than energy, protein, fat and carbohydrate) are to be declared in "g", and further specifies that sodium, potassium and cholesterol are to be declared in "mg". This may give the erroneous impression that the units for vitamins and minerals (as well as any other nutrient) are to be declared in "g". Some vitamins and minerals are added in microgram (mcg) quantities, while other vitamins and minerals are added in milligram (mg) quantities. In addition, there are other forms of measurements which are commonly used for certain vitamins, such as "I.U" (International Units), and the present NIP format does not reflect such forms of declaration. It is proposed to amend the Twelfth Schedule to specify that the nutrients are to be declared either in mcg, mg, g or other units of measurement, as appropriate. This will better address the forms of measurement currently employed by the industry.


Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!

New WTO Notification: G/SPS/N/VNM/44

Category: Contaminants (pesticides, metals etc)
Notification Date: 04/22/2013
Final Comment Date: 06/22/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/10AW31A

Draft of National technical regulation on the safety and hygiene glass, porcelain or enamelled implements, containers, and packaging in direct contact with food Language(s): Vietnamese Number of pages: 5 Get Text Here Description of content: This draft regulation specifies technical requirements on quality, hygiene and safety for glass, porcelain or enamelled implements, containers, and packaging in direct contact with food in the territory of Viet Nam.

Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!

New WTO Notification: G/TBT/N/VNM/31

Category: Contaminants (pesticides, metals etc)
Notification Date: 04/10/2013
Final Comment Date: 06/07/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/14sVwmp

Description of content: This proposed regulation specifies management and technical requirements on quality, hygiene and safety for glass, porcelain or enamelled implements, containers, and packaging in direct contact with food. Both domestic and foreign entities and individuals who produce and carry out business of glass, porcelain or enamelled implements, containers, and packaging in direct contact with food in the territory of Viet Nam shall comply with the regulation.

Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!

New WTO Notification: G/SPS/N/TPKM/285

Category: Contaminants (pesticides, metals etc)
Notification Date: 04/23/2013
Final Comment Date: 06/22/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/16loY2C

Title of the notified document: Draft Amendment to the Hygiene Standards for Alcohol Products Language(s): Chinese and English Number of pages: 2 (1 page in Chinese and 1 page in English) http://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2013/sps/CHT/13_1618_00_x.pdf Description of content: The draft amendment is to protect consumers' safety by stipulating that alcohol products shall not have toxic substances or any other matter harmful to human health. Translation: Get translation here

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New WTO Notification: G/SPS/N/MEX/233

Category: General
Notification Date: 03/14/2013
Final Comment Date: 05/06/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/17A1ma6

Proyecto de Norma Oficial Mexicana PROY NOM 142 SSA1/SCFI 2013, Bebidas alcohólicas. Especificaciones sanitarias. Etiquetado sanitario y commercial (Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY NOM 142 SSA1/SCFI 2013, Alcoholic beverages. Health specifications. Health and commercial labelling) Language(s): Spanish Number of pages: 15 http://www.dof.gob.mx/nota_detalle.php?codigo=5290967&fecha=08/03/2013 http://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2013/sps/MEX/13_1106_00_s.pdf Description of content: The purpose of the notified Standard is to establish the health specifications and health and commercial labelling provisions for alcoholic beverages marketed in Mexican territory. It is binding throughout Mexican territory on natural and legal persons engaged in the processing or importation of these products. Products destined for export are excluded from the scope of the text.

Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!

Friday, April 5, 2013

New WTO Notification: G/TBT/N/MEX/254

Category: General
Notification Date: 03/13/2013
Final Comment Date: 05/06/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/XukzXe

(Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY NOM 142 SSA1/SCFI 2013: Alcoholic beverages. Health specifications. Health and commercial labelling) (15 pages, in Spanish) . This draft Standard establishes the health specifications and health and commercial labelling provisions for alcoholic beverages marketed in Mexican territory. It is binding throughout Mexican territory on natural and legal persons engaged in the processing or importation of these products. Products destined for export are excluded from the scope of the text. Pre packaged alcoholic beverages must display a label featuring a description of the product or words, illustrations or other graphics relating to the product. Graphic descriptions of the suggested use and method of preparing the product are permitted, providing that a written description is also included.

Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

New FAS GAIN Report: Chile

Title: Chile Wine Annual Report
Publication Date: 26 March, 2013
Report Link: http://1.usa.gov/10A78Ab


Please note: we do not guarantee to find and report on all GAIN Report notifications that may be relevant to trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

New WTO Notification: G/SPS/N/CHN/602

Category: Winemaking Practices
Notification Date: 03/27/2013
Final Comment Date: 05/26/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/XbU8mM

National Food Safety Standard: Standards for Uses of Food Additives Language(s): Chinese Number of pages: 176 http://members.wto.org/crnattachments/2013/sps/CHN/13_1280_00_x.pdf This standard sets the principles for the use of food additives. The standard covers different varieties of food additives, food categories, the maximum use levels for food additives and amount of residue.

Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!