Welcome to the official website for the Industry Section of the WWTG - comprised of industry representatives from wine producing countries around the world. Our Vision is for "a successful, competitive and growing global wine industry, characterized by social responsibility, sustainability and focus on consumer interests, operating in a climate free of trade-distorting factors." Please use this website to learn more about WWTG's government/private sector initiatives, industry news and our other efforts promoting free and responsible international trade in wine.

Friday, April 5, 2013

New WTO Notification: G/TBT/N/MEX/254

Category: General
Notification Date: 03/13/2013
Final Comment Date: 05/06/2013
Documents Link: http://bit.ly/XukzXe

(Draft Mexican Official Standard PROY NOM 142 SSA1/SCFI 2013: Alcoholic beverages. Health specifications. Health and commercial labelling) (15 pages, in Spanish) . This draft Standard establishes the health specifications and health and commercial labelling provisions for alcoholic beverages marketed in Mexican territory. It is binding throughout Mexican territory on natural and legal persons engaged in the processing or importation of these products. Products destined for export are excluded from the scope of the text. Pre packaged alcoholic beverages must display a label featuring a description of the product or words, illustrations or other graphics relating to the product. Graphic descriptions of the suggested use and method of preparing the product are permitted, providing that a written description is also included.

Please note we do not guarantee to find and report on all WTO notifications that may affect trade in wine. Please notify the site administrators if you find one we missed!