The founding members of the WWTG who are also parties to the WWTG agreements, are:
New Zealand
South Africa
United States of America
The Republic of Georgia attended its first WWTG meeting in 2008 and has become a full member, acceding to the WWTG Agreements in 2010.
Brazil was also a founding member and has attended regularly. Other countries have also participated in the meetings on a less regular basis. Those countries are China, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Both the public and private sectors attend meetings. The joint participation of Government and industry representatives at meetings is designed to ensure a free exchange of information between sectors and a better understanding of issues being discussed.
To learn more about the national wine associations that participate in WWTG, please visit the web pages listed below.
Signatory Countries:
Bodegas de Argentina
Centro de Viñateros y Bodegueros del Este
La Unión Vitivinícola Argentina
La Asociación de Cooperativas Vitivinícolas
Fondo Vitivinícola Mendoza - a non-governmental public organization devoted specifically to national wine consumption. Its promotional policy is based on a strong commitment to the quality of Argentine wines. It was established in 1994 (by Law 6216) and its participants include private sector wine growers and winemakers, as well as the Government of Mendoza. It provides industry data to institutions and is a major information source for producers and wineries. It organizes and finances travel, cultural, social and economic events of interest to the wine sector.
Winemakers' Federation of Australia - the national peak body with voluntary membership representing more than 95% of the wine produced in Australia and its mission is to develop policies and programs to increase the net returns to Australian winemakers. The Federation consists of two electoral colleges, The Australian Wine and Brandy Producers Association and The Australian Regional Winemakers' Forum. As the industry has grown since WFA's inception in 1990, so have the breadth and depth of issues in which WFA has become involved. Making decisions on an 80% majority basis to ensure equitable representation of small and medium as well as large winemakers, WFA delivers a strong, unified voice on a range of political, social, environmental, trade and technical issues. WFA represents the industry's interests on national / international issues, on issues that may be local but have national implications, or on issues where a State Association has sought WFA's assistance.
Canadian Vintners Association - Canada's national association of vintners, an organization dedicated to the promotion and well being of Canada's wine sector. The Association represents and supports the interests of all members - large, medium, and small wineries - through balanced governance by providing a focused national body that represents member issues to federal government policy makers. It provides information and advice to its members on a broad range of government policies, programs and legislation, and is a source of information on the Canadian wine sector, for consumers, and the general public across Canada and around the world. CVA members represent about 90% of Canada's total wine production and exports.
Viños de Chile - Wine has a long history of representing one of the most traditional patriotic symbols for Chile. It is a result of the particular geographical characteristics of the country and the work of its people resulting in a product that bears an international recognition of high quality. The producers currently associated under the name of Viños de Chile unite 99 wineries representing 95% of bottled wine exports and around 90% of the domestic market. Viños de Chile maintains tight connections at governmental, union and entrepreneurial levels. At the same time, it is the industry's representative in commercial, economic and legislative affairs.
The Georgian Wine Association (GWA) - The growing strength and diversity of the Georgian wine industry brought the producers together in 2010 to establish the Georgian Wine Association (GWA) as a forum for mutual support, development and the exchange of ideas. GWA is the voice of the Georgian wine sector on national and international markets, working to increase public awareness and appreciation of Georgian wine and to promote and market Georgian wine internationally. GWA seeks to nurture local wine traditions and wine making methods, the planting and vinification of endemic varietals, support for scientific research and education in viticulture and wine making, and the development of the wine tourism sector in Georgia. Governed by its General Assembly and Board, GWA has 30 member wineries and welcomes all other organizations or individuals who are interested to foster its goals.
New Zealand Winegrowers - aims to represent, promote and research the national and international interests of the New Zealand wine industry. New Zealand Winegrowers was established in March 2002 as the joint initiative of the New Zealand Grape Growers Council, representing the interests of New Zealand's independent grapegrowers, and the Wine Institute of New Zealand, representing New Zealand wineries.
A Board of Directors of 12, comprising 7 representatives from the Institute and 5 representatives from the Council, governs the New Zealand Winegrowers. As a new organization, New Zealand Winegrowers will seek to build on the past achievements of both the Institute and the Council. The strategic direction of New Zealand Winegrowers will be decided in coming months. It is likely there will be high degree of continuity with the existing activities of the Council and the Institute, but there are also likely to be new initiatives to further represent, promote and research the interests of the New Zealand grape and wine industry.
South African Wine Industry Information and Systems - is a not for profit company under the control and direction of the South African Wine industry. Its main functions are the collection, processing and dissemination of industry information, and the administration of the industry's Wine of Origin system.
Wines of South Africa
Wine Industry Network of Expertise and Technology
Wine Institute - Wine Institute is the public policy advocacy association of California wineries. It brings together the resources of 1,000 wineries and affiliated businesses to support legislative and regulatory advocacy, international market development, media relations, scientific research, and education programs that benefit the entire California wine industry.
The California Association of Winegrape Growers - Established in 1974, CAWG is an advocate for farmers, providing leadership on public policies, research and education programs, sustainable farming practices and trade policy to enhance the California winegrape growing business and our communities.
Other Countries:
The Brazilian Association of Exporters and Importers of Food and Beverages - founded 9 years ago with the mission to defend the interests of small and medium-sized Food and Beverage companies.
Asociación Nacional de Vitivinicultores, A.C.
In 1948, in light of the growing importance the Mexican Viticultural Industry was achieving at the time, and given the need for a body to represent its interests before local, national and international, public and private organizations, the Asociación Nacional de Vitivinicultores, A.C. (Now, Consejo Mexicano Vitivinícola, A.C.) was formed.
Sixty five years on, the CMV brings together producers of the distinct expressions of the grape: Wine, Brandy, Table Grapes, Raisins and Juice, and companies engaged in the production of grape by-products.
Its main functions are:
· To foster the growth of vine cultivation in Mexico
· To promote and diffuse the Mexican Grape and its by-products
· To represent the interests of the industry before national and international authorities, and public and private bodies.
· To promote the creation of wine stations and other technical and practical bodies to protect and improve the quality of viticultural products.
The National Wine Institute of Uruguay (INAVI) is the authority in charge of the viticulture policy in the country since 1987.
INAVI is a public-private entity, with a board of 8 directors including representatives of the Ministries of Agriculture (President), Industry and Economy, as well as national and regional associations of producers and vine growers.
As the guardian of the country’s wine industry, INAVI plays a key role in the sector’s performance through strict quality control, research and development and promotional initiatives.